Discover The Art of Impactful Self-Leadership
What makes our program different is that we are the orignators of the LifeCEO process. This process is based on the award-winning book, The Essence of Living: Reaching Beyond Global Insanity and a second book, How You See It, How You Don't: Discover the Magic and Power of Your Own Beliefs. Both books were written by LifeCEO founder, David B. Bolen, II. He is an expert on individual belief structures and teaches how beliefs either support or undermine success and fulfillment.
There has been much information disseminated regarding leadership, personal awareness, emotional intelligence, coaching, change management, organiztional development, diversity, inclusion and other movements. Our LifeCEO proven principles of self-leadership were outlined in the above mentioned books and have been incorporated into practice for over 25 years. In fact, the philosophical foundation for today's trends in personal achievement, emotional intelligence and self-leadership can be traced to concepts articulated in Mr. Bolen's books.
We look forward to assisting you and your colleauges to live a more balanced, fulfilled and successful life regardless of what you are doing or where you are.
To discover the benefits and impact of LifeCEO,
please read the following comments below:

"Helped me to undertand my responsibility to myself and others."
- K.C. McDougle, San Jose, CA
"Helpful...now I am clearer and starting to understand how my beliefs interfere with my Purpose."
- A. McRae, Eugene, OR
"It realigned my beliefs...I feel that I am back on track."
- P. Atkinson, Marion, SC
"Got me to think about my life from a different perspective clarified some of my personal values."
- B. Quist, Toms River, NJ
"I liked the straight forward no b.s. approach."
- R. Vilas, Ashland, OR
"I appreciated the clarity of your presentation...I experienced the simplicity, the joy of my Purpose."
- N. Sanders, Eugene, OR
"Reminded me I always have choice in how I'm feeling and how I'm creating my life." - L. Itani, Salinas, CA
"Inspirational, joyful, funny - makes me step lighter with more stability."
- C. Hurd, Seattle, WA

"It has helped me define how I want to be in love relationships."
- D. Gabriel, Corralitos, CA

"Your seminar helped get me back to an essence that I knew as a child."
- T. Frazier, San Jose, CA

Email: david@LifeCEO.org
Call: 541-261-6220

"Shows me when we heal ourselves first then we can reach out to others." - C. Giles, San Francisco, CA
Empowering Purpose, Passion & Possibilites

"I found the philosophy embodied in this work to be personally inspirational and I think many of our students could benefit from the gently, reassuring, and benevolent voice in which it is offered." - Judith E.N. Albino, President, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
"The Essence of Living is a very important contribution to the social consciousness field. Its genuine wisdom reflects an aprooach to life and living that is filled with grace and open handed care for others." - John V. Basmajian, O.C., O. Ont., M.D.. Ontario, Canada
"After reading this wonderful book...You will develop your ability to create and receive what you really desire out of life." - Ronald L. Chastain, PhD., Msc D., San Diego, CA
"A wonderful book...it will help many people. I would personally recommend it to anyone."
- Gordon J. Trockman, M.D. Psychiatrist, Kailua, Hawaii
"New Verity Publishing treats us to a special kind of self-help book - more of a world help book really...Bolen shows us how, by committing to the human transformation process, we can help transform the world. He demonstrates how to achieve tranquility."
- The World Times
"Gave me new perspectives...perfectly timed for transitions I am experienceing in my life." - H. Wilkerson, Sunnyvale, CA
"I've connected with how I want to feel and how to continue feeling that way." - L. Foster, San Jose, CA
"This experience helped me to take responsibility for living in the now with joy and harmony." - M.A. Vilas, Ashland, OR
"I will be more effective on the job because I am aware of my Purpose." - N. McCali, Kent, OH
"This experience reaffirmed that I am in charge of my beliefs and thus what happens to me in life...I own it!"
- P.O. Lutz, Ph.D., Aurora, CO
"Your workshop was wonderful...I have reduced stress and find myself more often living in my Purpose." - P. Unfried, Eugene, OR
"A helpful way to deal with issues in a holistic manner." - C. Simpson, Alexandria, VA
"Took me out of self-pitty into action." - K.J. Kahili, Cent. Pt., OR
"It forced me to look at myself and take notice as to who and what I am...I feel more peaceful and relaxed about life."
- E. Percival, Ridgeland, SC
"I feel transformed and perceive life differently."
- R. Wheeler, Los Angeles, CA
"It tuned me in...makes life simpler."
- G. Kahn, Eugene, OR
Thank you for all of your caring concern and wisdom... As a result, great things have happened both within me and in my life. So thank you for being part of that, and for being such a cool guy. - D. Fellman, Ashland, OR
"It has created an awareness of what I've assigned responsibility to in my life." - C. Graham, Ashland, OR
"The most important thing I heard is to choose at any moment what you really want to believe." J. Steinberg, Sunnyvale, CA
"It helped me to be more aware...made me realize old patterns of behavior/reactions that weren't working in my life."
- W. Stewart, OR
"I've learned that my resonance will ultimately attract what I want and not to compromise." - M. Basile, San Jose, CA
"I believe I can make some shifts in my life with these new techniques." - D. Kiefer, Menlo Park, CA
"Reaffirmed my spiritual path...Enjoyed your openness, honesty, integrity." - L. Kruse, Ashland, OR